10 MAY
The Climate Change Group is chaired by Kim Yates (Mott MacDonald).
The vice chair is Matthew Hunt (Royal HaskoningDHV).
Our Climate Change taskforce explroes how society responds to the the biggest question of our time.
The advocacy group champions a practical approach to climate change, sustainability and society’s journey to Net Zero, shaping EIC’s interactions with policymakers, supporting evidence-based thought-leadership, and ensuring our industry is seen as part of the solution to our climate crisis.
The Government has committed the UK to cutting greenhouse emissions to net zero and in doing so is playing its part in capping global heating at 1.5 degrees, thus mitigating the worst effects of climate change. More than this however, EIC members have a key role to play in creating holistic and fully sustainable solutions which ensure the built environment and natural environment can work in true harmony.
To ensure group conversations remain relevant, informative and most importantly meetings remain effective, membership is by invitation only. EIC member companies with an established track record and wishing to become more involved in the work of the group, can contact Guto Davies or Holly Moore.