09 FEB

The Nature and Biodiversity Taskforce explores the ways in which we can deliver a “net gain” for biodiversity and the environment.
The chair by Julia Baker of Mott MacDonald and has two vice chairs Sally Fraser from Jacobs and Simon Boyle from Landmark.
Many of EIC’s environmental consultancy members are at the forefront of implementing new approaches in this space – whether working with progressive clients or through their thought-leadership.
The taskforce informs EIC’s thought-leadership in this area, responds to government consultations, holds events, writes articles for industry press, and regularly welcomes policymakers and industry experts as guests.
During 2022-23 the group’s key focus has been to work closely with Defra and Natural England, especially on topics such as the consultation process for Biodiversity Net Gain and new BNG 4.0 Metric as well as the BNG Register.
For 2024 and into 2025 the group is setting up two new working groups:
Nature/Biodiversity and NSIPs (Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects). This group’s specific focus will be around preparing our response and recommendations to the recent mandatory BNG for NSIPs consultation. This group will help to formulate recommendations on “How do we reform/make the work around nature and NSIPs robust?”. It is our intention to make this a leading taskforce with the area of nature and NSIPs and to engage with both government and other important stakeholder partners in this area.
The second taskforce group within the Nature and Biodiversity Taskforce group will focus on addressing the concerns/grey policy areas within mandatory BNG. The group will help to examine these areas – “What specific areas need to be addressed?” and “What does good mandatory BNG work look like?”. Also, within the group, providing relevant member organisation case studies to help explore the above will be undertaken.