NEWS / EIC News / Continuing our impactful engagement

EIC News

26 JUL 2022


Refreshed advocacy structure will help members seize opportunities of the Environment Act

Following member discussions and Advisory Board feedback, EIC is refreshing its approach to its policy and advocacy, with the introduction of a realigned group structure which will provide a framework for continued impactful engagement with government.

The change is also in response to a switch in approach from government with the Environment Act taking centre stage as it moves to its implementation phase.

It will see the establishment of four taskforces aligned with the Act: Air Quality, Nature and biodiversity, Waste and resource efficiency, and Water. The taskforces will provide a constructively critical view of the Act’s implementation while promoting members’ skills, knowledge and expertise in supporting its objectives.

In a blog on our site exploring the need for change, EIC CEO Stephen Marcos Jones said: “As focus turns to the Environment Act’s implementation phase, now is the right time to refresh our approach and ensure we can seize the opportunities created. Our new strategy will ensure we’re able to clearly articulate member concerns, determine actionable policy asks, and unlock the business opportunities of tomorrow that the new green economy will deliver.”

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Stephen added: “Our new structure will ensure we have the right platform for meaningful advocacy. It will mean we’re aligned with the Environment Act creating new opportunities for engagement and ensure we can continue to be a critical friend to government while promoting our members needs and interests. We look forward to working with Government to ensure the ambitions set out in the Act are made a reality.”

Replacing EIC’s current working group structure, the new advocacy taskforces will be supplemented with the contaminated land and laboratory analysis working groups. EIC members will also continue to be welcome at the Net Zero group and the HR forum, which supports members on people issues.

Alex Tosetti (Vu.City), EIC advisory board chair, said: “I’m pleased to see this shift in approach from EIC which will ensure our business association continues to hold a relevant voice in the discussions around the green economy. The advisory board is fully behind these changes which will ensure members’ interests are heard clearly in Westminster and beyond.”

The new group structure is outlined below.

  • Air Quality taskforce – chair Edward Ballsdon (Rensair), vice chairs Steve Barnes (Gramm Barriers) and Dr Xiangyu Sheng (Temple Group).
  • Nature and biodiversity taskforce – chair Robert Spencer (AECOM), vice chair Simon Boyle (Landmark).
  • Water taskforce – chair TBC, vice chairs TBC.
  • Waste and resource efficiency taskforce – chair TBC, vice chairs Adam Read (Suez) and Gary Armstrong (SLR).
  • Contaminated land group – Peter Atchison (PA GeoTechnical), vice chairs Richard Puttock (Stantec), Jane Thrasher (Jacobs).
  • Laboratory Analysis group –  Ken Scally (Suez) and vice chair TBC.
  • Net Zero group – chair Sarah Prichard (Buro Happold), vice chairs TBC.
  • HR forum – chair Helen Salt (Curtins), vice chair Richard Wood (Hoare Lea).

EIC members with any questions around the new structure should download the one page flyer and member FAQs below, or get in touch with EIC Head of Policy, Guto Davies, today.


Unlocking the Green Economy

July 2022

One page flyer outlining the refreshed approach to advoacy at EIC.


EIC Advoacy refresh FAQs

July 2022

FAQs on refreshed approach to advoacy and groups at EIC.