The Nature Recovery Network (NRN) is a major commitment in the UK Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan and enacted by the Environment Act 2021.
It aims to expand, improve and connect a national network of wildlife-rich places across England’s towns, cities and countryside. Objectives include restoring 75% of protected sites on land (including freshwaters) to favourable condition; creating or restoring at least 500,000 hectares of additional wildlife-rich habitat outside of protected sites; and the recovery of threatened and iconic species by providing more, diverse, and better-connected habitats.
The Government claims that delivery of the NRN will provide a range of economic, social, and health and wellbeing benefits.
Partnership working is essential to delivery of the objectives of the national NRN, with the Government working with a broad range of organisations and sectors to share skills, knowledge and resources. Bringing the private sector into the NRN Delivery Partnership is seen as being essential to ensure coordinated delivery and action, as well as helping to close the funding gap to successfully deliver the NRN.
Natural England is conducting an NRN business survey intended to help refine the scope and objectives of future NRN business engagement. Businesses like those of EIC members will make a significant contribution to delivering the national network.
Commenting on the engagement around NRN, Paul Barnes, policy researcher at EIC said: “This is a great opportunity for EIC members to shape how Nature Recovery Networks will engage with businesses like yours and ensure we are involved from the outset in shaping the approach to their delivery.”
To help members understand the opportunities around the Nature Recovery Network, EIC is organising an exclusive member-only webinar on featuring panellists from the IEMA, Natural England and EIC, see below.