Understanding Chris Skidmore’s Net Zero Review
Discover how EIC inputted and look out for your exclusive member briefing.
Autumn Statement: Focus on Innovation opportunity for industry
Despite challenging macro-economic picture, some progress for environmental sector.
EIC responds to Skidmore review
Climate Change group inputs into review of Government’s delivery of Net Zero targets.
Replay our conversation with National Highways on Biodiversity
We report from the latest EIC member webinar which welcomed a major public sector client.
Sign-up to our new political bulletin
Members can now receive a weekly summary of political activity from EIC’s policy team.
Mini-Budget U-Turns… and what it all means for members
We share the latest from Westminster as Jeremy Hunt becomes Chancellor.
In conversation with National Highways on biodiversity
Laurence Lewis Jones joins us for an online member event on Wednesday 19 October.
What the mini-budget means…
EIC explores last week’s fiscal statement in more detail.
New PM: All change for the environment sector
Michael Lunn on what the new Cabinet means for EIC members.
Shaping Biodiversity Net Gain
EIC responds to vital Defra consultation on Biodiversity Metrics.
EIC reacts to Kwasi Kwarteng's 'Mini-Budget'
EIC members will soon be sent their exclusive briefing exploring announcements in detail.
Hear from Defra, Environment Agency and UKAS
Environmental stakeholders to join us at forthcoming in-person EIC meetings.